Environmental care
Strict environmental standards
Currently, the IQUISA Northeast plant is already in the process of an environmental audit. Aware that climate change mitigation represents a global challenge, CYDSA carries out actions in contribution to protecting our atmosphere. In 2005, Quimobásicos abandoned the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), one of its lines of refrigerant gasses.

Environmental care
Strict environmental standards
Currently, the IQUISA Northeast plant is already in the process of an environmental audit. Aware that climate change mitigation represents a global challenge, CYDSA carries out actions in contribution to protecting our atmosphere. In 2005, Quimobásicos abandoned the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), one of its lines of refrigerant gasses.

Acknowledgments and certifications

Recognition of environmental excellence.
Award granted by PROFEPA to Quimobásicos and IQUISA

International Certification ISO-14001-2004 Standard.
The CYDSA Comprehensive Environmental Administration System settles in this standard. All eligible facilities have endorsed this certification.

Clean industry certification
Granted by SEMARNAT, with an outstanding case in Level 2
For the IQUISA Northeast Plant, an investment was made in state-of-the-art technology to make its operations more environmentally friendly. Among the technologies aimed at reducing environmental impact, its steam boiler stands out, which consumes hydrogen, thus reducing its consumption of natural gas and the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. In addition to the above, with the combined production of IQUISA Northeast and IQUISA Santa Clara, more than half of its chlorine and caustic soda production is carried out with Membrane Technology, recognized as the most efficient in the world in terms of energy consumption and designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their processes. When constructing the IQUISA Northeast plant and the development of the Underground Hydrocarbons Processing and Storage Business, efforts were made to Protect, Rescue, and Relocate the Flora and Fauna present in the intervened ecosystems. In this same area, Sales del Istmo supports a Hawksbill Turtle Conservation program in the country.
The Coatzacoalcos Electricity and Steam Cogeneration Plants carry out efficient cogeneration from natural gas that reduces CO2 emissions, thus increasing the use of electricity from clean sources in CYDSA plants.
We have developed initiatives to optimize the consumption of water resources and increase the use of recycled water. For this, in the production processes of Quimobásicos and IQUISA Northeast, treated wastewater is used to release drinking water for the population. In the specific case of IQUISA Northeast, 600 million liters of water are released annually, enough to supply 2,000 families, thus contributing to the conservation of clean water, so essential in this semi-desert region.
The Coatzacoalcos Electricity and Steam Cogeneration Plants carry out efficient cogeneration from natural gas that reduces CO2 emissions, thus increasing the use of electricity from clean sources in CYDSA plants.
We have developed initiatives to optimize the consumption of water resources and increase the use of recycled water. For this, in the production processes of Quimobásicos and IQUISA Northeast, treated wastewater is used to release drinking water for the population. In the specific case of IQUISA Northeast, 600 million liters of water are released annually, enough to supply 2,000 families, thus contributing to the conservation of clean water, so essential in this semi-desert region.

In 2016, with the support of the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development, the Government of France, and SEMARNAT, Quimobásicos completed the first phase of the Residual Ozone Depleting Substances Management Project in Mexico. As part of this initiative, Quimobásicos offers the residual ODS destruction service using Argon Plasma Arc Technology, unique in Latin America.

In 2016, with the support of the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development, the Government of France, and SEMARNAT, Quimobásicos completed the first phase of the Residual Ozone Depleting Substances Management Project in Mexico. As part of this initiative, Quimobásicos offers the residual ODS destruction service using Argon Plasma Arc Technology, unique in Latin America.